Blog, Farm Life


I recently made a decision to journey down the road of disconnection for awhile. It’s amazing what we can discover about ourselves and others when we disconnect from distracting noise, especially online noise.

I’ve been focusing on spending more time enjoying the simple life. Disconnecting to bring back the quiet and joy of connecting with the Spirit.

Filling my time with prayer, reading the Bible, talking to Jesus about the forks in life’s bumpy road, enjoying nature, singing worship music, writing, cooking, preparing for winter, sending out my resume, trying to be a better homemaker, volunteering to help others out.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. So vibrant in colors and change. I’m spending this time of fall trusting in the Lord. Being a student to the only teacher who matters.

I’ve learned from life’s previous trials if I stop, disconnect and listen these seasons can become the material for God’s greatest miracles in my life. I don’t want to miss those moments of pure sudden joy & glory by being distracted by so much noise.

God created us to need Him. My relationship with Him is where I find deep, true, lasting satisfaction. I want my heart to find meaning and contentment in Him, not fickle things. I’m trying to remember that daily as we forge ahead and wrap things up before winter.

We’ve spent the week trying to clean up outside, bale stalks for the cows, prepare the barns, lots and animals for winter, attempted to get another round of hay baled, dealt with an excess of rain and conversed with big and little visitors. The kittens have received a ton of extra love lately and even the white turkey has taken them under her wing or maybe she just enjoys their heat lamp.


The gals are busy finishing the clean-up in the garden and attacking all the spilled grain from harvest. Molting has seemed to slow down so I’m pumping them full of corn and sweet feed to encourage continued egg production as we head into colder days and the time change. Some how we have been blessed to fill one of the large baskets every week still. A few of my May Easter egger’s have started laying and the July youngins have become brave enough to cross the drive-ways. It’s a redneck free-range delight having a yard full of birds.

I think what I learned the most so far during this disconnecting is how much I desire to still connect with people which is ironic since people drive me crazy and I usually just long to be alone. Disconnecting should be easy then right? Maybe I AM changing with the seasons?

I’m lucky to have a couple close friends and sisters who know when life gets tough I start screaming RETREAT, building walls and shutting people out. The types of people who don’t take this behavior personally and say I love you, I’m here when you want to talk, and will be here on the flip side when it’s over are my close circle that I hold onto tightly. And never stop thanking the good Lord for them.

I’m taking the time to reconnect with friends that I have pushed on the back burner for no reason at all other then life gets so dang busy. Never a good excuse because who isn’t busy any more. I’m intentionally making future plans with them before the year is over. Plans to just hang out, catch up, and make sure they know they are important to me despite my past behaviors.

I’ve learned that when you stop your social media interactions you quickly learn who your internet “friends” are. So thank you to every Jessica & Lindsay I have never physically met yet who have taken the time to let me know our friendship and connection means more then just liking crap on the internet.

I also volunteered to help someone from church I barely know spend several hours wiping and cleaning down walls, windows and trim in her house full of soot from a furnace mishap. Every word in that sentence goes against every natural grain in my body. I however enjoyed every moment.

I feel my circle growing in this time of disconnecting! Who would have thought? God does still work modern day miracles if you let Him lead the way and just take the time to notice them.

And at the end of every day I’m still admiring all of those glorious sunsets at my favorite retreat!

Hope you are taking in every moment of this beautiful fall as well!

4 thoughts on “Retreat”

  1. Missing you! So glad I decided to see if you have been blogging!! I know exactly what you are talking about I need this type of time myself! Continued prayers for you! Lots of Love!❤️Vanessa


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